Miami-Dade Counties Firehouse #9 is located in the heart of Kendall at 7777 South West 117 Avenue. The current facility was built in 1984, replacing the building serving since the mid 1900's. The original structure was an old hospital building famous for its wood and dirt floors. It was a staple of the rural response originally offered by the old "County" Fire Department Grove Patrol. Over the years many changes have occurred and Station 9's first due territory has a huge populous and is the entertainment hub of south Miami-Dade. Our region is considered busy 24 hours a day housing many night destinations for party goers. The Engine and Rescue rigs housed here run first due to a wide variety of occupancies. No other territory in the south contains the number of Large national chain bars, local mom and pop pubs, and 24 eateries as we do. All types of single story and low rise structures imaginable call Kendall home.

To our south is the Miami-Dade College South Campus. A huge institution covering almost a square mile of space. In-between is the always busy roadway known as Kendall Drive. This main drag is lined with 2 and 3 story garden style apartments splitting off in every direction. To our North from East to West are the million dollar homes of Olympia Heights, Westwood Lake, and Horse Country. Mixed up throughout our territory can be found the infamous multi-level, multi-building Palace and Green Briar Nursing Homes.

Today the house contains 2 emergency response rigs. First a brand new 2007 DuraStar Rescue staffed with an MDFR Lt or Capt and 2 Firefighters (MDFR minimum manning of 3). These new "Rescues" as we call them, are equipped well enough to be considered roving Emergency Rooms. In addition to the EMS equipment, a full compliment of hand tools and small complement of hose allow them to be compliant with our SOP advising that Rescues will arrive on fire calls "prepared to engage in firefighting activities". 3 doors in the cab and SCBA's in the seats help accomplish this goal as well, and allow the Firefighters on this rig to immediately begin Vent Team, or Search Team duties if needed.
The other rig being a 2003 Pierce Quantum manned by an MDFR Lt or Capt, a driver/operator, and 2 Firefighters (MDFR Minimum Manning of 4). It has the normal complement of tools of the trade for our primary mission of fire attack. Leading the way is 150' and 200' pre-connects with Elkhart Chief nozzles. SOP calls for 70 at the nozzle giving us 220gpm for starters. If that won't do the job we have 300' of 2 1/2" at our disposal coming off the back. The 325gpm at 100psi nozzle pressure is sure to get the job done. When a Garden Style Apartment is going the troops start walking with as much of the 3" as needed, the box meets us at the fire apartment with a 100' "Hotel Roll" and the Irons. Engine 9 is an ALS rig (As are most MDFR Fire Trucks) so it also carries all State required equipment to be licensed as such.

Firehouse #9 has frequently been named one of Miami-Dade's busiest firehouses.